JCN Bolig is underway with the construction of Lille Nyhavn in Skanderborg
17 August 2022
The exclusive building is underway and is being built by JCN Bolig, in the charming warehouse style that Nyhavn in Copenhagen is known for.
The project consists of 72 apartments, ranging in sizes from 70 m2 to 220 m2. An area of 2,148 m2 in the ground floor will be for “small shops” or even restaurants. The building will have a 4,189 m2 underground car park.
Developer Lars Kromand has over a period of time purchased all of the buildings/homes along Adelgade 116 – 132 in the centre of Skanderborg. The homes are typically from the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century and constitute the town’s main pedestrian street, where much of the town’s shopping takes place. The back of this main pedestrian street faces the beautiful Skanderborg Lake. The old building on Adelgade no. 130 has been demolished to create a construction road down to the area. At the end of the project, the building will be rebuilt with an attractive ground floor gate/passage to Lille Nyhavn.
Down towards Skanderborg Lake, there is thus a land area of approximately 6,000 m2 between the old settlement and the lake. This is where JCN Bolig is underway with the construction of Lille Nyhavn, with two large paved public squares between the buildings and a bridge (boardwalk) along the lake.
According to developer Lars Kromand, the project conceived in 2005 and has been underway for 15 years. It is a project that is created from the conditions in Skanderborg – a project that will attract people to the lake and make the whole area accessible with a lovely environment that is ideal for cafes, outdoor activities, shops and more, with the small public squares that Nyhavn in Copenhagen is well-known for – a diversity that will also attract tourists. There will be lots of activity, and this will help to rejuvenate commercial life again, which the area deserves – and it deserves a rich life – it is a wonderful location. The Danish name implies a waterfront environment, however, not one that is dominated by a harbour or boats.
“Many people are choosing to move to Skanderborg to live because you live in the countryside, next to the lake, forests and above all, the culture created by the Skanderborg Festival,” said Lars Kromand. “We must deliver what we promise, and I am a little stubborn when it comes to creating the look and the atmosphere we are trying to create and have told the local community.”
“We have included Skanderborg residents throughout the process, so they also have gained ownership of Lille Nyhavn and they look forward to its completion.”
“I am convinced that JCN Bolig can fully complete the project and support the look and the quality that we require. We are faithful to the architecture, when we make modern adaptations – I’m looking forward to the whole construction process,” said Lars Kromand.
Total number of apartments: 72
Total area m2: 12,000 m2 + basement
Turnkey Contractor: JCN Bolig
Architect: Ole Hassager Pedersen & P+P Arkitekter
Engineer: Viborg Ingeniørerne